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Casino Tear Open Cards

Casino Tear Open Cards

Casino Tear Open Cards

Casino Bingo Cards

Generate profits for your charitable organization form the sale of these popular Pull-Tab tickets. Call us to get set up for years of Nevada ticket fundraising ahead.


  • Great for linked and progressive games!
  • Available with free space number and with or without audit number for easy verification.
  • Black-out block prevents cheating.
  • Black numbers are dark and easy to read.
  • Actual face size: 4 7/8\” H x 3 3/4\” W.

Ways To Play

Before your regular session starts, call 48 numbers and post them on the flashboard. Sell tear-opens throughout your game. A player with a coverall wins the jackpot. If there is no winner with 48 numbers, continue calling numbers until there\’s a winner for a consolation prize. Try a \”second chance\” option to increase sales: offer players the chance to trade in a sheet and buy two new sheets for the price of one.

Border Colours

Bingo boarder colors