Here is a small sampling of our North American customers who are satisfied with our bingo products.
Customer & Location
Walford Retirement Home
Timmins, Ontario
Neal Yates
Independence, Kentucky
Vacherie Gheens Senior Citizens
Gheens, Louisiana
Extendicare St. Paul
St. Paul, Alberta
Salvation Army
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Brighton 50 Plus Club
Brighton, Newfoundland
The Gathering Place
Milton, Wisconsin
Northstar Recreation Club
Cigar Lake, Saskatchewan
Red Earth First Nation
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Westbrook, Minnesota
Harvest Lodge Seniors Complex
Fairview, Alberta
Gem County Seniors Center
Emmett, Idaho
Okanagan Seniors Club
Kelowna B.C.
Elder Care of Alachua County
Gainesville, Florida
Chartwell Villa
Chicoutimi, Quebec
Three Rivers Lions Club
Jeffrey’s, Newfoundland
Tendercare Living Centre